Sunday, 31 May 2020

Review: Leveraging Leverage

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.
- Archimedes

This is the first post on this blog in ages. Already I feel like I'm fighting off the spider webs that have amassed since we've been gone!

During our sojourn, we've done a lot of soul searching and gone through that 'midlife crisis' phase only to return back to our origin - that is, writing about freelancing and marketing. We will also start to write more about other topics too - including personal finance, economics and self development. 

Our first article on this new arena will be an e-book review on the book 'Leveraging Leverage' which is available at Amazon Kindle. We have always been staunch believers of personal development and aggressively watch the latest YouTube videos on anything having to remotely deal with self improvement and gain. That's why when we read this book, we felt it touched a nerve and really connected with us in another level.

Without getting into too much detail, the premise of this book is quite simple - since the dawn of civilization, humans have always strived to use the concept of leverage wherever they could - from inventing the first manual levers to lift heavy objects otherwise impossible to carry - to devising complex but convenient financial tools like mortgages, margin trading and IPOs - all in an effort to harness the power of leverage. 

We can observe leverage all around us. Not just left to the realms of engineering and finance, we can identify leverage in action by observing how modern corporations are structured to as to leverage the power of many, how schools use leverage by appointing different teachers for different subjects and why hospitals have different departments and specialties for catering to different needs.

The ultimate aim of the book is to help readers 'move the world and amplify gains through the power of leverage.' We believe it has indeed done that by expanding our perspective on how we perceive the world and how we can use leverage to gain from it.

Final quip: Would highly recommend (5/5 stars)!

PS: Let me know what you think about the book after reading it as I'd love to hear your comments too!

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