We've all heard of the age-old saying 'content is king.' As we've seen in our last few posts on developing sales funnels and developing effective leads, content marketing indeed plays a massive role in converting leads into paying customers and therefore improving the results of a business.
Content marketing is essentially a form of marketing focused on the creation of content online for a particular audience. Content marketing attracts leads and turns them into prospects and finally customers through the process of engaging them with valuable material which in turn provokes audiences to buy your company's goods and services.
Probably, the most powerful differentiator of content marketing over older forms of marketing is the fact that it is a 'pull-based' strategy. This means that instead of going out of your way to reach out general consumers through ads, emails and phone calls (traditional 'push-based' methods), you are instead attracting consumers in your direction by sharing valuable content - Hubspot calls this inbound marketing (read more in our earlier post - The Wonders of Inbound Marketing).
Content marketing can be created through a multitude of mediums. Apart from traditional copy found in blogs, articles and social media snippets, the tool can also be used for images (like photos in Instagram, pins in Pinterest and infographics in other platforms), videos (YouTube/Vimeo/Snapchat/TikTok) and other modes like the sharing of newsletters through email, podcasts and informational events/seminars.
Apart from having significantly higher engagement compared to traditional marketing methods, content marketing is also relatively cheaper, faster to implement and execute and is a great way of attracting digital audiences from younger segments (who now encompass the majority of internet users).
In order for you to rock content marketing, your content needs to firstly match the preferences and desires of your target audience. Once that's determined, start creating content with value through digital methods that you think will engage your audience more - which will involve a series of A/B tests before you get the right solution. Lastly, continue to engage with existing followers and build your audience by regularly creating original content of value and relevance, share influencer material and explore new methods of transmitting content to grow your follower base and potential revenues.
As we've seen, content marketing is definitely a powerful tool for the modern marketer and is indispensable in order to engage your digital audiences. For small businesses, the owners themselves can choose to operate the business's content directly or in the case of growing or larger companies, they may choose to outsource the function to specialist companies like GetResponse and other experts in order to help create original content, schedule and sync content postings and develop content marketing in order to convert leads into customers.
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